One of the main reasons we have difficulties is that most of us are believing our thoughts! And yet thoughts are measurable with modern scientific instruments as ENERGY - not ‘truth’ but merely energy. When we know that there is a basic psychological principle which tells us that WHAT WE FOCUS ON WE ENLARGE, we realise that where we put our attention is crucial. In other words ATTENTION = POWER. So, considering that thought creates triggering of the corresponding feeling, what we choose to put our focus on is very, very important. So, are we choosing carefully - or are we believing our thoughts and being swept along with the feelings and mayhem that goes with them? The thought itself, as an energy form, doesn’t have the perspective or the wisdom to know that actually this may well be repetitive, damaging stuff. So, who’s in charge in there? Did you know that you have an objective, choosing part - a part which can be caring and careful about which thoughts you empower with your attention ... more about this in the next section!