My Inspirations.

For a while, many years ago, I gave up on the world. I was lost and my heart was in the bleakest place. My Mum’s love shone a light in there and somehow found a seedling of hope amidst the overcrowded stuff.

I went away and in the summer of ‘83 I began a new journey - one which brought the peace I had longed for - not because I acquired something but because I started out on a path which is about ‘unfolding’ to a peace which is actually always here ... learning to let go, rather than adding extra ‘stuff’.

Mum looked after the 4 of us all on her own from when I was 5 years old. Divorce was rare back then and financial help for single mothers didn’t exist. Mum had about 3 jobs to keep us going. She was amazing - strong, courageous, honest, open-hearted, bundles of fun and so loving.

She was my heartbeat and I am endlessly grateful. She died when I was 24.

I shared this amazing Mum with my three brothers. Richard, Jeremy (Jerry) and Robin - good, good people, precious in my heart. An offering from Jerry, especially for these troubling times. Have a listen -

For many years I’ve been inspired by the offerings of Eckhart Tolle and Mooji - wonderful people who touch the lives of so very many. A couple of wonderful examples of their work: wisdom 2.0 The Power of the Present Moment - a meditation by Eckhart Tolle. Mooji - The instant that you recognise the Unchanging, you are free.

My life has been blessed by the animals I’ve met along the way - not only the joy of just watching them but also the warmth of their friendship and the things they’ve taught me. Patchy was my most special friend. He had a wonderful brother Louis, a dog who smiled when he was happy.

And on the subject of blessings, I am beyond thankful for the kindness and creativity of the inspiring and beautiful soul who created this website. Eve - thank you, from the bottom of my heart - for your special gift and for sharing this journey with me.

And lastly I want to say ‘thank you’ to my family - my amazing, wonderful family. I am blessed beyond belief that these people are in my life - Andrew, Hazel, Rosie - and their wonderful beaus and their beautiful children.